• September 28th - Freebie Friday for Head-Lites!

    Wednesday Oct 03 2012

    Wow - talk about some fun on Fridays with the Modern Dog Magazine's Facebook page. 

    We thought we'd join in the fun and offer two free Head-Lites as part of their contest and the response was phenomenal! 

    Over 400 readers chimed in and they're still rolling in! 

    Click here to read the post!

  • Head-Lites on Modern Dog Calendar!

    Friday Sep 07 2012

    We love long weekends and we love working dogs - what better date to be on the Modern Dog Magazine's Fall Showcase Calendar than Labour Day! This is a fun gift guide for the dog that has everything, time to start the Christmas shopping! Does your dog have their Head-Lites on? Those long winter nights are just around the corner!